Saturday, February 9, 2013

Was höre ich

Wisconsin just awesomely beat Michigan in basketball and the whole union exploded! Nearly gave me a heart attack chilling here doing my German homework. I'm going to take it as an excuse to take a little break and post a blog- about music! I love music. I love music a lot. I'm a firm believer that there is the right song/artist/genre for every minute of every day. The only time I'm earbud-less is if I'm in class or at a meeting. Here's what I'm jamming to recently (or in real time, if you check out my

Dead Kennedys. I'm on such a kick. I need to get my record player fixed if solely to listen to them. Right now, In God We Trust, Inc is being the best homework music.

Nelly. Why not? I remember absolutely loving Nellyville when it came out, and I recently listened to it all. Still awesome.

LCD Soundsystem. They've become a staple for me. Right now I'm loving the London Sessions album, All My Friends, Us v Them, Get Innocuous!, and Losing My Edge the most.

Soul Coughing. I found this website with an archive of old Soul Coughing concerts available to download, and I listen to a 1995 gig at the Mercury Lounge as much as I do their studio albums. It's so interesting listening to how the songs have evolved, and there are some tracks that were never professionally recorded! My main digs are The Incumbent, Wooly Imbibe, Lemon Lime, Blow My Only, and You Lucky Dog. (Shut up, when looking up pictures for this post, I saw a ticket stub with Soul Coughing opening for Dave Matthews Band. AHHHH Best Concert Ever!)

Sherlock. My friend Bess gave me the Sherlock soundtrack and it's so beautiful. They're filming the third season soon and I'm already so excited for it. Anything Sherlock Holmes related usually has fantastic music. See: both Guy Ritchie films + BBC show.

Busdriver. One of my favorite rappers because of his style, speed, lyrics, funkyness, hilarity, everything. His entire discography is great, but I'm in a The Weather phase. It's a collaborative album and it's perfectly bizarre. 

editing to add The Books, specifically their last album The Way Out. The first and last tracks, Group Autogenics I and II, were the first two songs I played on my radio show this semester. I listen to this album any time I need to focus, relax, study, feel better, anything. It's brilliant, beautiful, and intriguing. The Books as a whole, as my dad often attests, are one of the most creative bands I've ever heard, and if you want to discover them, I'd start with this CD. 

So yeah, discover new music, listen to genres that make you uncomfortable, and keep your ears happy! 

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