Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Now, I'm going to have a mega post on this later I'm sure, but I wanted to photo dump what I took while at the Sundance Film Festival this past weekend! I was lucky enough to travel there with a bunch of really great people from the WUD Film Committee and had the time of my life. 27 films and 5 hours of sleep over 3 days. It was such a whirlwind, but all my planning paid off and everything happened without a hitch. I can't wait to bring back some of these films to Madison.

There's a bro version of this pic, but I gotta get it from Bess ;] 
One of the sponsors had a photobooth set up with props. Tom and I went for 1) American Gothic 2) trees as guitars 3) climb them 4) throw trees at camera. Phil and I were just confused as when the pictures were even being taken XD 
Pow. Iconic
The director of my favorite U.S. Dramatic film, Concussion, at the Q&A following the screening. I got to speak with her afterwards and tell her how much I loved the film!
Two of the actors from Concussion
So this is what a Sundance screening typically looks like. Here's the screenwriter/director and two producers of Newlyweeds during their Q&A.
The Newlyweeds director who I'm totally in love with. He said he'd love to come to Madison with the film!
Part of the WUD Film member description: giving MUBA members back walks as they please.

Park City at night.
The two directors of the doc Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer

Jason and I saw so many films at the Holiday Theatre!
Prepping box office requests at the house one night 
We haven't even taxied out of the runway, and Huppert was asleep. (In his defense, it was 6 am and we hadn't slept for  >26 hours).

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