Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In Bruges

Have you ever watched the movie In Bruges and loved it so much, you decided to take a spontaneous road trip to Bruges? Because that's what we did. Two Thursdays ago was Christi Himmelfahrt (the single greatest named holiday, imo) which means who knows what, something about Jesus, but classes are cancelled, so four of my friends and I road tripped up to Belgium! Sebastian's from my dorm, John and Kersey are from my program, and Sarah is Kersey's friend visiting from Ohio.

We had absolutely no idea that the holiday was as big of a deal as it was. As we entered the city, the roads were all roped of creating a sort of path, but people were still walking in the middle of the street. I figured there might have been a marathon earlier in the day or something. Once we get to the city center, there's thousands of people in there with huge bleachers and everyone's ready to watch.. something. Turns out, Bruges hosts a huge parade telling stories from the Bible or something, so we got a free show with animals and crazy costumes and parade floats decked out as Pharaoh's palace and all that jazz. It was... bizarre.

Despite the unique crowds, I really enjoyed Bruges. The architecture reminded me a lot of Amsterdam, with tons of canals and bridges. I actually prefer the buildings here because in Amsterdam, most of the buildings were of similar height and width, while in Bruges there was more dissimilarity and funky roofs. We got Belgian waffles and fries and went into the church that has *~Jesus' blood~* in it. Sebastian and I specifically found the restaurant at the base of the main tower where Colin Ferrell's character eats dinner at the end of In Bruges, so that was a success :]

Shops and cafes line the giant city center

The Jesus Parade had sheep, camels, and horses! Where do you even get half a dozen camels in Bruges?

I spy Moses

Looking cool, Seb

I blinked!! -_-
But yeah, you all should go off and see In Bruges like, five minutes ago. It's a fantastically brilliant dark comedy and in my opinion, Colin Firth's best movie acting-wise. Plus it's got half the cast of Harry Potter in there (Mad Eye Moody, Voledmort, and Fleur).

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