I have finally met all four of my roommates and they're all great. All German students, all super nice! We sang karaoke in our kitchen for like 3 hours last week XD We're all so busy though, I rarely see everyone. It's still semester break for the Universität Bonn so once classes resume on April 1, I'm sure everyone's time lines will completely change, again. Until then, I've been enjoying exploring Bonn. I've gone running a couple times throughout the city. People definitely don't run on the streets as much as in America. Also, fun fact about Germans, they will NOT move for your on the sidewalk! It would be more hilarious if it wasn't a bit frustrating. People do not veer, they do not notice, and they do not care. Europe, am I right?
I'm basically in love with my Bonn Buddy Maja. We're the most amazing Foosball/Kicker team known to man. Or woman. :D Last week, our program went to the Haus der Geschichte, which is a museum of German history since 1945. It was fascinating! I loved all the pop culture artifacts, like old comic books (Nick Knatterton!), I watched some of an old German musical, saw JFK's original "Ich bin ein Berliner" note, and lots of Trabis.
Right now I'm camped out in Starbucks again, mooching off their internet. I tried going to the student union equivalent to get my computer stuff figured out last Thursday, but they were on lunch break until 2, which is when I had class. The office is closed on Fridays, then the weekend, and today I woke up early to go before my 9 am class, but there were already 8 peoples waiting in line ahead of me before it even opened! I'm going to have to go tomorrow morning and miss the beginning of class :(
A little late to the game, but here's my awesome clean because these were taken my first night dorm room! It's more cluttered and colorful now, with a little tree I bought from IKEA named Schmitz and a little sunflower someone gave me on the street and lots of rose scented tea candles because I'm apparently obsessed with tea candles not. Basically, it looks a whole lot more like a Rayna-room now. :] Big windows and/or a balcony will forever be must-haves in my future houses.

Also, my hair is properly pink now! Faded from purple. I might buy some bleach from DM today and do something about those roots!
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